Which Book Promotion Sites Are Worth It? Your Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Book’s Reach


Which Book Promotion Sites Are Worth It? Your Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Book’s Reach

Unleashing your book into the world is as challenging as the process of writing itself. How do you ensure your literary masterpiece isn't lost in the vast sea of publications? 

The answer lies in strategic book promotion and, more specifically, book promotion sites. By using these specialized platforms, authors can gain exposure, increase book sales, and build a dedicated reader base. 

But which book promotion sites are truly worth it? Let's delve into it with this ultimate guide to uncover the best book promotion websites that can propel your book to success.

The Importance Of Book Promotion Sites

Did you know about 1.5 million new books are published every single year? With such steep competition, book promotion is a crucial step in your author journey, creating a bridge between the finished manuscript and its intended readers.

One of the best ways to promote your books is by using book promotion sites where readers are already begging to read books like yours.

These book promotion sites provide access to communities of genre-specific readers, extend the author's reach, and increase the likelihood of discoverability and sales through their promotional services. In the highly competitive self-publishing arena, these sites can be the difference between obscurity and prominence.


BookBub is a leading book promotion site with a substantial number of subscribers. It offers promotional opportunities like featured deals, targeting a massive audience that can significantly boost sales.


Creating an account and claiming your author page is free. However, to promote on BookBub, expect to spend between $100 and sometimes up to over $3,000, depending on your genre and book price.


BookBub is an industry heavyweight with a substantial subscriber base. Its featured deals can help your book get significant exposure and generate substantial sales.


Due to the site's popularity, the competition for featured deals can be fierce. Also, high costs may deter some authors, especially those with a limited marketing budget.

BookBub also only currently supports ebooks, so if you’re looking for a place to boost your print sales, this isn’t the right choice.

The Verdict

BookBub boasts that 70% of authors using them sell more copies after running a featured deal. If you apply to have your book promoted on BookBub and get accepted, it can be a great way to increase sales and promote your book.

Bargain Booksy

Specializing in promoting discounted books, Bargain Booksy targets genre-specific audiences through their extensive email list, ensuring your book reaches the most likely interested readers.


$25 - $125, depending on the genre.


Bargain Booksy allows authors to promote discounted books to their extensive email list. The site offers genre-specific promotions, enabling authors to reach targeted audiences.


Only discounted books are eligible for promotion, which could mean less profit per sale. 

The Verdict

If your book is less than $5, or you’re running a promotion that makes it less than that, it’s definitely worth it.

Fussy Librarian

This promotion site connects readers to books based on their preferences for genre and content. The Fussy Librarian ensures your book reaches a curated audience, increasing its chances of success.


$15 - $79, depending on the genre and whether the book is bargain-priced or has a regular price.


The Fussy Librarian matches readers to books based on their preferred genres and content preferences, increasing the likelihood of your book reaching the right audience.

You can also send readers directly to your site to build your own email list.


The Fussy Librarian admits that while you don’t need to have reviews to sell your book, ones with reviews typically perform better.

The Verdict

If other books in your genre do well on The Fussy Librarian, yours most likely will as well. It’s also great for somewhat established authors looking to increase their mailing list.

Ereader News Today (ENT)

ENT is a popular ebook site recommending books to readers since 2010. They send an email out every single day that shows a book of the day that authors can apply to be part of.


$60 for books under $2.99 and $150 for books over $2.99.


They have a large, engaged audience who are active and looking for bargain books. As one of the longest-running daily newsletters, they have a great relationship with readers who jump at the opportunity to get the promoted books.


Books typically perform better when they’re only $.99, so you’ll have to be okay with lowering your price if it’s higher.

They also require your book to have a review rating of at least 3.5 stars, and if you’re promoting a new book, you’ll have to reach out to them directly with the pre-order link.

The Verdict

This is great for authors looking to promote a book that’s already been published and has some traction. If you’re brand new, it might be best to spend your budget elsewhere.


As the name suggests, Freebooksy is dedicated to promoting free books. With a large following of enthusiastic readers searching for their next free read, this site can substantially enhance the visibility and downloads of your free book.


$25 - $550, depending on genre and package.


Freebooksy specializes in promoting free books, and it has a large following of avid readers who are always on the hunt for the next compelling read at no cost.


As the site is geared toward free books, it may not be suited for authors looking to earn from their initial book promotion.

The Verdict

If you’re looking to build your author brand and get your name out there, this is a great platform to do it with. However, if you want to increase sales immediately, this isn’t the book promotion site for you.

How to Choose the Right Book Promotion Site

Choosing the right book promotion site is often a matter of aligning the site's services with your goals, budget, and target audience. It's essential to remember that while all promotion sites can increase exposure, the ultimate success lies in the quality of your book and its appeal to the targeted readership.

Start Promoting Your Book

Promoting your book successfully involves much more than just publishing and hoping for the best. In today's digital world, book promotion sites provide valuable platforms for you to increase visibility and engage with potential readers. 

However, remember that not all platforms are created equal, and choosing the most suitable one requires careful consideration of factors like cost, audience, and promotional tactics. 

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